Heres what Im finding is working for me, I live in So. Calif, and our days
are getting up to or have been 85 to 109f recently and my lawn started to
turn brown, but *ONLY* in areas that got full sun from sunup to about 5pm
(the other areas of my lawn are shaded by my house from about 1 or 2 in the
afternoon), and what I found was that it just wasnt getting enough water, I
started hand watering those brown areas and it came back like it should,
it's not perfect yet, but it's coming back strong.
As far as a watering schedule, I generally get up 20 minutes earlier in the
AM and turn on the sprinklers, then 20 minutes later I turn them off, then I
turn them on again once the sun is completely off the lawn for about 10 to
20 minutes. I've tried the whole 1 inche of water per week general rule,
and watered enough once per week to provide even coverage of 1 inch of water
as measured in a tuna can, but that just wasnt working for my lawn and my
area, I find that watering every day (though I sometimes skip a day) is the
trick to a nice thick lush lawn, though it does cost me more per month in
water bills, but not much, maybe an extra $10.00/month.
As far as mowing height, I've found over the past couple years that If I cut
the lawn to about 3 or so inches in summer it does better, and in late fall
and winter I can really cut it down to about 1 1/2 inches (which is the
height I prefer anyway), the longer blades of grass generally offer better
covering for the soil so the moisture is retained better or so it seems in
my yard, on the other hand though longer blades of grass take more water to
keep green, at least in my experience so far.
Good luck,
"Brad and Julie Vaughn" wrote in message
I have a lawn that was put in last October as sod. I live in St.
Louis, MO and it has been sunny dry and 90-100 for the last couple
weeks. My lawn is starting to turn brown It is in full sun from
6:00am to 5:00pm. I don't know whether I should cut it once a week as
usual or let it go for a little extra to get a bit longer. Will this
protect it more from the sun? Also, should I water every day since it
is hot and dry or should I do it every few days? Likewise I can't
water early morning due to work other than the weekends. Should I
water in direct sun, at dusk or at night? Thanks for your help.
Brad Vaughn
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