"Where there is one" ................ So far I'm up to ten and while
number ten was in the trap two more were tearing up the pond. I guess
I'm lucky the only casualties have been frogs and snails. Of course my
plants have been declared a disaster area.
Local and federal laws prevent me from blasting the s@#* out
of them. (within two hundred yards of a school) So I will have to
continue relocating them to a county park.
Some others have had good results with coyote urine as a
repellant. But there hasn't been a coyote at the jersey shore in over
a hundred years. The coons think it's cheap cologne.
Good luck!!!!!!
"Gene" wrote in message
Checked the pond yesterday morning and saw the fountain knocked
and some plants on the edge of the pond. I thought it might have
a cat but later in evening my mom called me at work and said that my
uncle who lives across the street found a hurt raccoon on his deck.
I was wondering why I was missing some koi and now I know. My aunt
just told me that the game warden came out and shot it. But where
there is one there is bound to be another. Time to get out the