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Old 25-08-2003, 10:12 PM
D Kat
Posts: n/a
Default Apology Accepted ... for what?

I meant to thank you for the response and somehow neglected to.... I am so
getting senile (not legitimately able to make that claim for another 5
years). DK

"zookeeper" wrote in message
dkat wrote:
Me too (confused). We have at least 2 people in here that run a

and even though they do not put up obnoxious adds, they do have a link

their site where they sell fish and plant related "stuff" and they have

posts where it is clear that they do trade in the business.

I'm curious what was so out of line that it got someone slapped down for

"Wilson" wrote in message

I must have missed what this is all about...damn.

The reaction was in proportion to the posts: Ghislain posted that he had
filters for sale in response to several other posts; didn't actually
answer the questions posed but offered opportunity for ponders to spend
money on his filters. He also posted three separate posts that were pure
advertising. It was pointed out that this is usually frowned on in
newsgroups, but that if he wanted to post a link to a web site or
include it in his signature, that would be more appropriate. He
responded by saying that Jan's post about baby fantails and her
signature including a link to her web site was "advertising." If
curious, just Google groups for Ghislain.
3500gal pond, 13 pond piggies
Oregon, USDA Zone 7