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Old 25-08-2003, 09:22 PM
D Kat
Posts: n/a
Default Apology Accepted ... for what?

I really, really don't get what you are talking about. You did not explain
how it was that I was giving a lecture. When it felt like I was getting
irritated response I tried to explain my confusion and my reaction.

I have said repeatedly that I have a problem (I refer to it as the Violins
on TV - I am of course assuming you are old enough to get that reference) of
getting things wrong. Basically I have said that I'm confused on this issue
please help. I did say clearly that it was probably the case that I am
the one that is over-sensitive on the issue of people seeming mean these

I thought I made it clear that I was unable to follow what was going on
either locally or through google (it seemed at the time slightly intolerant
to tell me that if I wanted information on this to go to google and then
have you chime in with an unnecessary cheer). Apparently I'm not
sufficiently articulate if you continue to think I'm trying to pick a fight
and it sure seems that this is what you are doing. I don't know why you
would think that I would want to kill file you. I do kill file people who
are offensive beyond tolerance. So far you have only seemed aggressive.

"~ jan" wrote in message
Yes, in your "hey, it's not my fault, it's the internet's" you said you
screwed up, you should have stopped there, but you ended with the parting
shot of telling others to lighten up. When I suggested you consider taking
your own advice, you continued on with the long tirade below? And I've got
a wild hair?

Let's see; gey gezunterhait = good-bye in yiddish, wonder if it also means
I've been killfiled? I hope so. Sheesh. ~ jan

On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 01:54:56 GMT, "dkat" wrote:

I'm getting just the days postings from my server - if I'm lucky I get
yesterdays. Given I can only read the group when I have a slow period at
work I miss a lot of what has been said. After I following zookeepers
instructions and trying google I still didn't get it. I cannot read the
threads in the in google and make sense of them (as became clear when I
thought your link was from the original poster). I have always thought

this newsroom as a very pleasant place to be and was surprised by what I
read and wanted to know what it was about.

I'm not sure what lecturing you are referring to given that the post you

responding to actually states that I had screwed up. I guess it is all

matter of how you read things... to me you sound like you have a hair up
your back end for no apparent reason... to you I sound like I'm

Whatever.... gey gezunterhait

I still stand by my "lighten up" request though. It is healthier for

all. DK

No one likes a lecture, unless they've paid to attend. ;o) We'd all
lightened up on Ghislain prior to, so perhaps now you need to take your

advice? ) ~ jan

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