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Old 24-08-2003, 08:42 AM
Siberian Husky
Posts: n/a
Default Crickets like beer and slugs seek revenge

"DickLivy" wrote in message news:JCz1b.231666$uu5.44974@sccrnsc04...
Another option would be to visit your local garden center and get a bag or
container of diatamatious (I am 100% sure that is spelled wrong - but close)
earth. It is a natural substance that you sprinkle around your plants - it
kills the slugs and is actually good for the garden. Now -m you slug lovers
might want to stop reading now because I'm going to explain how it does in
the little munchetrs. The "earth" has naturally very sharp edges to
igranular structure. The edges don't harm humans or larger animals (pets)
but literally cuts the belly out of the slugs when they crawl over it.

From what I read, diatomaceous earth is good to kill insects, but it
becomes ineffective when wet. Slugs' "foot" is basically "wet" with a
mucuous covering.

I myself normally pick them up with a plastic fork, put them in a
transparent cup (like Starbucks cold drink) with water or even
fertilizer solution, then cover it with another cup so the slugs could
not crawl out. One or two days later I pour them back into the lawn
when I am convinced they are "no more". I wonder if someone else in
Pacific Northwest has tried this ...