"Frogleg" wrote in message
On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 17:42:47 GMT, (dstvns) wrote:
Romans used to ...salt the lands, so no other
living thing could grow there. Besides killing the ground which is
salted, the salt is almost always ineffective toward slugs because
they shed the outer coat, leaving the salt behind and move on to
plants twice as hungry because they lost so much water.
You have obviously never poured salt on a slug and watched him fizz
death. Obviously, since salt *is* bad for ground/plants, this isn't
wholesale solution. But salt *does* kill slugs. I believe it has
something to do with instant and complete dehydration.
If you'd like to kill the slugs without killing the ground around
them, try picking them up and dropping them in a can of alcohol,
vinegar or ammonia.
*You* pick 'em up. I'll bait, drown, or step on 'em with sturdy
garden clogs. :-)
This sounds like table salt is just about as evil a RoundUp!!!
: )