Thread: bugs bugs bugs!
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Old 22-08-2003, 11:02 AM
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Default bugs bugs bugs!

Tom Warner wrote in message

"MLL" wrote in message
I was not going to reply as I was attached about My dislike of bugs.
But, I wanted to thank those that were helpful. I am glad that I checked
I do feed the squirrels, and I love the birds, the cats My dog runs off

no worries.
I am terrified of bugs, snails and slugs. That was part of My worry

the swarm.
That and I am allergic to bee stings. Hummm - death or bugs? Quite the
I am not a monster who just kills bugs! I have My son or husband remove

from the house if possible. I recently purchased this property and felt

bad about
the ant hill that is thriving in My compost that I didn't touch it. I

go down there either!

Again, thanks to those that offered help. For those that were rude.

get a life.


Was I rude? I dont think so.
I asked a few questions, expressed an opinion and just asked you to look

as a part of life, not as life you want to be parted from.
You responded with petulance and false injured pride.
You mentioned nothing about allergy to bee stings although I doubt you

recognise a bee anyway as they are unlikely to be flying in swarms under
your tree.
The least you could do is find out what you are dealing with then someone
might be able to help you.
I have a life and insects are part of it, you don't have to go into a

cage to appreciate the majesty of a lion.
Get some therapy.

And Anne, shouting hypocrite at people you have never met and know nothing
about makes you look the worst kind of fool.

No problem.