Thread: bugs bugs bugs!
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Old 20-08-2003, 07:02 PM
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Default bugs bugs bugs!

Kay Easton wrote in message
In article , anne

This lot zap anything and everything if it happens to go near their veg

prized blooms, so I shouldn't worry too much about what they tell you

I've read about them not stopping at insects either. Someone was air

a squirrel the other day. They would do the same to cats if they dare

The word "hypocrites" comes to mind.

And whatever gave you the idea that everyone who posts to this ng has
the same idea? If one person advocates shooting a squirrel, and a
different person advises against wholesale elimination of beneficial and
detrimental insects alight, by what logic does that make all posters
(except of course you) hypocrites?

It was an impression I got. If someone asks for advise because a "pest" is
eating/destroying their garden, someone is always around to give advice.
However the "non-gardener" who feels uncomfortable sitting outside because
of pesky "beneficial" insects got abuse. That same non gardener might feed
the squirrels, keep ten cats and be fascinated watching ants go about their
business - so one persons pest is another's friend and visa versa. Just
because you call yourself a gardener, doesn't mean you have the right to
decide what is friend and what is foe for everbody else.

Kay Easton

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