Tomatoes & Bordeaux mixture
"Pam Moore" wrote in message
I have just picked my first tomatoes for 5 years, having lost all to
blight for the last 4 years.
This year for the first time I have used Bordeaux Mixture which is
suggested as the nearest organic control.
There is no constituent in Bordeaux mixture which is organic. Its two
components, copper sulphate and calcium hydroxide, are both quite strictly
Now I am concerned about the white copper sulphate deposits on the
Is copper sulphate toxic?
I think that copper sulphate is indeed toxic, but I may be wrong. I think
it gives you the squitters. However, the amount you are likely to get from
one tomato is probably OK
Does anyone know how thoroughly I need to wash them?
Reasonably well.
Has anyone else used BM? Advice is to spray weekly.
[Franz Heymann]