If I recall correctly, Vancouver Island gets snow almost every
winter, but the ground generally doesn't freeze? If that's
correct, and you can achieve good drainage, you might want to
look to a winter crop of cruciforms [cabbage, broccoli,
cauliflower, etc.] or cold-hardy root vegetables such as radishes
or carrots. You do need to realize that this is very iffy,
though. In Bellingham, it used to get cold enough about one
winter in five that we lost the winter veggies. Your best bet
for the kind of information you need is a local gardening club,
or your local agricultural office.
Chris Owens
Brock Bailey wrote:
I was woundering whictch veg would be better to grow in the winter and I
live in the pacific northwest on vancouver island where we get alot of mixed
weather durning winter...any good website you can advise me of or books?
I'am also interseted in planting a peach tree and some other garden plants
to but I'am also intrested in getting plans for an above ground planter box
which are very large and can build out of wood for my patio..
thanks for your suggestions or help..
Brock R Bailey
110-1009 Mckenzie Ave
Victoria BC Canada
V8X 4B1
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