Thread: Algae Bar
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Old 09-08-2003, 04:32 PM
john rutz
Posts: n/a
Default Algae Bar

K30a wrote:
Bob found 520

Well, I wonder...
What I didn't see was any reports of how much copper was in the water at any
one time.
That is what I would want to see. Some knowledge of levels of copper that are
harmful to fish and if this product ever reaches those levels over time.

and the watergardening labradors

me too, if it works at all i used copper sulfate to kill cyano bacteria
and to spur an green algae bloom a whail back

and to top it off 25.00 for it, and I can go to Home depot or Lowes
and buy a 6 ft grounding rod for about 15 and make a dozem of em

John Rutz
Z5 New Mexico

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

see my pond at: