Thread: Morning horror
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Old 07-08-2003, 04:02 PM
Lee Brouillet
Posts: n/a
Default Morning horror

Everyone else has given you very good suggestions for moving the pump off
the bottom of the pond. My pump intake is in my skimmer box, so the max it
can pump out accidently is about 25%. If I want to pump out more than that
on purpose, I have to switch piping.

As far as your dreams are concerned: yeh, I have nightmares about the pond,
too. It's usually my mind working out a problem, or warning me that I have
to take care of an existing "fault" before it *becomes* a problem! It just
shows that you're a responsible pond owner! It's not bad enough that you
spend a considerable amount of time on a daily basis worrying about the li'l
darlin's, then you have to DREAM about them, too????? GBG!


"FBCS" wrote in message
I awoke this morning and as every morning I went outside for a quick trip

the pond to feed the fish while coffee is making. To my horror not the

nice sounds of water running down the falls, but the gurgling of a

pump in an just about empty pond. Fortunately there was about 3" of water
left for the fish. I filled it back up and the fish are doing fine. Even
with all this new water I still have murky water.

Last night we had tornado warnings resulting in bad lightening and rain
storm. Filter material I placed in the falls to clean some of the smaller
particles got turned around and caused the falls to run over.

What is really weird is I have dreams like this. I come out, the pond

.... or fish laying outside the pond.... or all floating. I think I read

many rec mails. Anyone want to analyze this. Joann