Morning horror
Aside from a cyber-hug, I don't have much to offer, since my teeny water
garden pales in comparison to what many here in rec.ponds have.
However, here's a thought: you might have murky water in your pond because
the whole water system was messed up, big-time, by the storm you described?
Anne Lurie
Raleigh, NC
"FBCS" wrote in message
I awoke this morning and as every morning I went outside for a quick trip
the pond to feed the fish while coffee is making. To my horror not the
nice sounds of water running down the falls, but the gurgling of a
pump in an just about empty pond. Fortunately there was about 3" of water
left for the fish. I filled it back up and the fish are doing fine. Even
with all this new water I still have murky water.
Last night we had tornado warnings resulting in bad lightening and rain
storm. Filter material I placed in the falls to clean some of the smaller
particles got turned around and caused the falls to run over.
What is really weird is I have dreams like this. I come out, the pond
.... or fish laying outside the pond.... or all floating. I think I read
many rec mails. Anyone want to analyze this. Joann