Plants 101
"Sam Hopkins" wrote in message
.. .
Well I'll say this. Your plants are limited by the most limiting
nutrient/mineral in your water/dirt. For instance lets say your plants are
starving for iron so you add iron. If there's no magnesium for the plant
won't be able to use the iron because plants need magnesium to be able to
absorb iron. So even though there's iron in the water now you still won't
helped out. That's why it's important to add a complete blend of trace
elements. People's Veggie filters would do double duty on their nutrient
load if they had the proper trace minerals to allow them to use all the
nitrate in the water.
Plants usually get minerals when you do water changes. If you don't do
changes or have a high plant load the minerals in the water will deplete
until one trace element begins to limit the plant's growth.
That makes total sense. As I mentioned in the OP though, when this
discussion occurred a few months back, my plants/pond/fish were doing great.
I ignored the "how do I make my plants green" thread, because I didn't need
to care...or so I thought.
So now I am sitting here going Potash? Iron? What? How do I fix this?