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Old 30-01-2003, 11:14 PM
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Default Info needed on starting sweet potato slips

Someone's been touch-typing with their pinkie on the 'S' key again...

nrdy trhstfd, ;-)

FarmerDill wrote:

Can I just start them in a warm well lighted room on a table, or do I need a
growing light?

Do I need to put fresh manure in the seed bed inside, like I needed to

I would like to get 100 to 150 slips. How many seed potatoes do I need to
realize that many?

Thanks for the help. Dwayne

If you have a good sunlit window, you should be okay. You can start them halg
submetged in water, just remeber to kpoit the root end down, A growers mix like
pro mix or Fertilmix will also work, They key is temperature, the medium needs
to be in excess of 70 degree Fahrenheit. I usuall use 6 potatoes per 25 plants
, this will normally give about 30 plants redy to set a a time period, If you
are willing to wait for secondary plants you cna use half that amount. Of
course it is better to have too many than too few,