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Old 29-07-2003, 03:22 PM
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Default Catching Snails?

"Chas Hurst" wrote in message

"Repeating Decimal" wrote in message
in article ,
at wrote on 7/27/03 11:25


Can anyone tell me how to go about catching snails WITHOUT poisoning
them or drowning them? I have heard that snails love beer (can you
blame them?), but how would you set up a snail trap where they are
kept alive, but can't get out?
I intend to cook them, after they have "cleaned themselves" out. Bran
or something?
Anyway, a good snail trap that doesn't poison or drown them? I hear
that they like dark damp areas.

I like stepping on them.


How about a snail cannon? Similar to a potato cannon, smaller caliber
barrel. One could shoot them into a neighbors yard. Or at the neighbor. In
any case, snails are easy to catch. They don't move quickly.

Chas Hurst

Naw. It wouldn't be the same now that they've banned cherry bombs.