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Old 26-07-2003, 04:02 AM
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Default Threadfin Rainbows & Planted Tank

My tank is Algae Soup. Fact.
Everything covered in slimy green web like Algae. A total mess. I need to
start over this weekend.

How much light do you have over the tank? And are you injecting CO2? What
kind of plants do you have? How often do you do water changes?

There are a number of things I recognise that I
have done wrong. One of them is that my fishload is very low, thus providing
practically zero nitrates or phosphates for the plants! It is a small 10
gallon tank that only houses 4 Threadfin Rainbows.

That is not that low a fishload for a 10 gallon tank. Threadfins get to be 2".
Four of them is a lot of fish for a ten gallon tank.

I would not add Siamese Algae Eaters, either. They get to be much too large
for a 10 gallon tank. They are happiest in groups, get to be 6", and are
extremely active. Frankly, I've found 29 gallons to be too small a tank for

If you want to add algae eaters, otocinclus catfish would be a better choice
for a ten gallon tank. Get three, if you can. Or try snails. Pomacea
bridgesii come in all kinds of pretty colors, and they won't take over your

Do you know for sure that nitrates are the problem? Have you tested for them?
IME, too much nitrate is more likely to be your problem than too little, unless
you have a high-light tank.
