New Breed of Cattle
Red Herefords have only fallen out of favor since the rules on condemning
cancer eye cows has become so strict and the Angus folks have done a better
job on their product. I never saw a black Hereford and my family has been
raising them about as long as they have been in this country.
The Angus folks did a better job with their promotion and genetics than
anyone else and made a black calf worth ten bucks more than anything else to
the feed lot. Thirty years ago a black calf when begging beside a cross
"Jim Webster" wrote in message
"Gordon Couger" wrote in message
. ..
The still have pink skin around the eye. Ring that with black to reduce
incidence of cancer eye any you have something. The rules in the US on
cancer eyed cattle cuts the average live of cow with light skin around
eyes by 3 years.
not problem in the UK althrough looking at the website it interested me
that the US seems to share the UK prejudice about red herefords as opposed
to black. I know people who did OK over the years buying red hereford
calves (for very little money) and finishing them and selling them dead
weight (where they go on carcass classification and the colour of the
is irrelevant).
Interestingly red Limis are often more popular than black limis
Jim Webster