"Cam" wrote:
My tank is Algae Soup. Fact.
Everything covered in slimy green web like Algae. A total mess. I need to
start over this weekend. There are a number of things I recognise that I
have done wrong. One of them is that my fishload is very low, thus providing
practically zero nitrates or phosphates for the plants! It is a small 10
gallon tank that only houses 4 Threadfin Rainbows. I would like to add some
more peaceful compatible tankmates. Any suggestions? Quantity? Species?
Instead of tearing up the existing setup (and stressing your fish),
how about adding one or two Siamese Algae Eaters? Not only will they
provide nutrients for the plants you want, but they'll do so by eating
the algae which you don't want.
And they're fairly entertaining fish, too.