@#*%!^ mosquitos
On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 21:52:47 GMT, Heidi wrote:
Any good ideas out there for controlling mosquitos? We have not been
outside to enjoy our garden near as much as I would like b/c of those
tiny pests. Our yard is not conducive for bats, sparrows, or other
mosquito eating friends (trees too close together to offer a nice flight
pattern). We do not have any standing water--no bird baths, etc..
Because we have pets, I am not keen on spraying insecticides.
I am wondering:
if I placed a pool of water to the side of the house, where we don't
congregate very often, and drop in one of those mosquito pellets into
the water, would the water attract and destroy the enemy? Or would
brining in standing water, only serve in the same way as those Japanese
Beetle traps, it would just attract more bugs to the yard.
Any other ideas???
Thanks in advance!
A pond stocked with goldfish and rosy reds will eat the mosquito
larvae, and have an overall effect of reducing the population. Your
best defense is applications of products to the skin containing at
least 20% DEET. I take vitamin B100 complex and avoid eating bananas
during the mosquito season. Todays local news reports that the West
Nile virus is present and alive in our county. Standing in the sun is
supposed to help, but the Asian mosquito bites regardless.