Goats Are West's Latest Weed Whackers
Twenty years ago I had 3 goats (Rosie & her sons Ben & Jerry) on our farm in
upstate NY, specifically to control the "bamboo" (we never knew exactly what
they were) plants that were overtaking the field behind our house. They did
a great job and were allowed to roam free. They didn't destroy our front
lawn, even though they would occasionally graze there. At that time, my
bedroom was on the 1st floor, with a porch outside my windows. I would often
sleep with a window open during the warmer months and would wake up to 3
goat heads inside my room staring at me. Sometimes they would bleat to wake
me up. I would even find them swinging themselves, while standing up, on the
porch glider. They were good at yard work and made good pets.
Dianne in Austin