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Old 21-07-2003, 08:12 AM
Salty Thumb
Posts: n/a
Default Has anybody ever "rescued" a plant? (1/2)

Tracey wrote in :

Input from anyone who has grown a Ti plant (outside of real tropical
areas like Hawaii) would be welcome.

Awww, man......

Okay, I won't give any cultural tips, but I *will* give
you something that was told to me, more of an old wives
tale or superstition. Don't have Ti plants near your
doors, either outside or inside. Ti plants are an
indicator/symbol of money and if they are by a door
to your house, the money will 'leave'.


haha, now if I could only get my hands on some cat, skunk, squirrel,
rabbit, or raccoon indicator/symbol plants, I'd be rich. :-)