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Old 21-07-2003, 06:52 AM
Alan Gould
Posts: n/a
Default pixie lilies and parsnips

In article , shannie

Also...We had an escaped foal run through the garden yesterday morning and
Im afraid my parsnips were badly damaged. They were doing so so well,
wonderful foliage and about 2.5ft tall We took them up today as all the
foliage was completely stomped, (don't ask about the cabbages :~( )Despite
the fact the parsnips weren't to be ready for a long while yet they are a
very good size, about what you'd see in the supermarket. Sounds like a daft
question but here goes. In view of the fact they are out of the ground so
early Im wondering are they safe to eat? I can't see any reference in my
books to harvesting/eating early and my googling seems fruitless also.

Any advice would be welcome

Yes, your immature parsnips will be quite safe to eat, and they should
be very tender at that stage.
Alan & Joan Gould - North Lincs.