My apologies if this appears twice.
I was given some 'pixie' lillies a few weeks ago, in full flower and
smelling wonderful, they are in 9" pots, 4 stems (so I assume 4 plants) per
pot. One has just finished flowering (gale force winds saw to that on
Friday ) and the other has 3 buds left to open. I'm wondering now what I do
with them for the rest of the year, let em die off in the pots? Repot now?
Repot later? Divide? Take them out and dry them off and store them somehow?
Bung them in the ground with all the other lilies? If so, do it now or
spring? Put the pots in the greenhouse for the winter? I have others in the
borders and they do very well, but Im stumped as to what to do with
container grown one's.
Also...We had an escaped foal run through the garden yesterday morning and
Im afraid my parsnips were badly damaged. They were doing so so well,
wonderful foliage and about 2.5ft tall
We took them up today as all the
foliage was completely stomped, (don't ask about the cabbages :~( )Despite
the fact the parsnips weren't to be ready for a long while yet they are a
very good size, about what you'd see in the supermarket. Sounds like a daft
question but here goes. In view of the fact they are out of the ground so
early Im wondering are they safe to eat? I can't see any reference in my
books to harvesting/eating early and my googling seems fruitless also.
Any advice would be welcome
Shan (Ireland)