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Old 20-07-2003, 08:45 PM
John Mashey
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Default Goats Are West's Latest Weed Whackers

(colonel) wrote in message ...
Los Angeles Times
July 19, 2003

Goats Are West's Latest Weed Whackers
"Lawnmowers with legs" make short work of noxious plants and don't
pollute the land.

This must surely be a joke.
Maybe this works with well-controlled small herds of goats, but
unconstrained, they eat *everything* right down to the roots, leading
to erosion and desertification. They certainly contributed to the
state of the mid-East.
The old saw: "How do you make a desert? Take nay land, add goats."
shows up in Hawaii:

I'm very sad to hear that the Waimea Canyon on Kauai has been stripped
by the goats; that's my list of "most beautiful placaes I've been."

Argh, technology can be good or bad, but so can "natural" (although,
of course, goats are hardly "natural" having been bred for years.
What we could use is a GM goat that avoids good plants, eats weeds,
but is careful not to strip an area to the point of erosion. (not
likely) In some places, I'd much rather have weeds than nothing. In
the farm country where I grew up, goats were not favored -