Sustainability in 3rd world agriculture
Jim Webster wrote:
"sw" wrote in message
David P wrote:
Wilst there are gullible people [through need or greed] people will make
money out of them.
I know. But here social services ensures -- or should -- that no one
starves. And Trading Standards, etc, will try to track the culprits
down. The third world poor may be easy meat, worth targeting because
they are easy, but the people who steal from those who have almost
nothing are despicable beyond belief.
I know for a fact that Cumbria Trading Standards collared one of these bogus
consultants who would get you EU grants if you paid them £300. They invited
them to the Trading Standards office, and by throwing a sack over the sign
became "Cumbria Trading" rather than "Cumbria Trading Standards."
The idiot went in and gave them his spiel, which was recorded as evidence. I
felt CTS had excelled themselves
"Think of it as evolution in action".
Waist deep, neck deep
We'll be drowning before too long
We're neck deep in the Big Muddy
And the damned fools keep yelling to push on