I would suggest (after reffering to 'Collins Guide') that this is a nymph
(pre dult phatse of metamorposis) of either a Great Green Bush Cricket or a
Wart Biter. Both found (but the second not common) in Southern England.
Graham Dixon
Jim W wrote in message
news:1fybhn0.1ni3dccg2zkqkN%00senetnospamtodayta@m acunlimited.net...
Anyone know about grasshoppers?
Little green critters that I've seen twice this year.. On both
occasions in or near the house.
Not keen to jump prefer to crawl.. Looks like a green cricket but
book I ahve shows these with red eyes and says not found in Brit Isles?
Not worried about them, but I've not seen this type here before though
we get the ordinary brown 'whirry' kind in grass/undergrowth up at the
About an inch long (despite the pictures;-)