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I have looked a bit on this plant as well. I think you will be a
bit "surprised" how it does (or doesn't) in the aquarium. a href="http://www.aquazoo.co.uk/Page.cfm/Type=Plants/PlantID=89"Lobelia
cardinalis/a as is available in most stores is grown either hydroponically
or emersed. Generally this is done because it looks good when it
is all purple and scarlet. In the aquarium, it generally turns light
green even under intense lighting, which it does require.
pFor reds and purples in the aquaria, a "general" rule is that you need
strong light. With strong light comes other "necessities" like CO2.
If you really want a true aquatic plant with purple coloration, I recommend
something like a href="http://www.aquabotanic.com/abstore/en-us/p_9.html"Ludwigia
gladulosa/a and for red/puples, try a href="http://www.dennerle.de/pflanzen/Pflanzenbilder/A04.jpg"Alternanthera
br Best wishes,
br Doug
p"RedForeman ©®" wrote:
blockquote TYPE=CITE...I like purple so it caught my attention from the
brbeginning... I asked, undemanding, low light to moderate light plant,
brwater, any temp, it'll grow....
br"Ross Vandegrift" wrote
br Also stumbled across a potted plant in one tank labeled
br "Cardinal plant - Lobelia cardinalis". It has some pretty cool
br coloration, kind of a purpleish color.
br I searched on google some for both the common name and the
br scientific name, and found lots of links for a non-aquatic plant.
br of links claims that it grows equally well in water and out.
br know for sure?
br The tag (From Florida Aquatic Nurseries) claims "True Aquatic,
br Foreground, Moderate Light", but mentions nothing about fertilizing.
br I've got it in my 20g tank with 40W of flourescent light and DIY
CO2. I
br dose Kent Freshwater Plant Supplement and Flourish Trace weekly (or
so -
br I'm a tad random about it these days), but also feed some plants
br substrate tablets. This guy looks like a root feeder - anyone
know for
br sure?
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