"Lawson English" wrote in message
"Daniel Prince" wrote in message
"Steve Harris"
Unless of course it contains time machines, FTL drives,
force-field "shields", antigravity, Wesley Crusher, or
workable libertarian utopias. Then it's okay to laugh
you like. g.
There is one type of force-field "shield" that is
possible. It is a
magnetic field that can shield a ship or station against
certain types
of radiation (charged particles only).
Actually, there is already a force field in use that acts
as an air valve
(plasma valve).
I see no reason why you couldn't create such shields of
any arbitrary power
(e.g., Star Trek's deflector shields), except, of course,
that the power
requirements would be beyond insane.
This "shield" is made of matter (plasma = ionized gas), not
force. As a small curtain of flow, it's no different in
principle from the hail of slugs from a phalanx gun on a
carrier. Doesn't count as a "force field". And even if it
did, plasma magnetic confinement in 3-space, has proven (so
far) impossible for decent times except in interiors of
masses (if it was easy we'd have fusion power). For a nice
exterior shield or plasma confinement field, we're back to
the idea that was already brought up. The Bussard sort of
thing. I personally doubt it's possible except with gravity
(and for that you need mass of a star). Plasmas are clever
and slippery.
But I would love to be proven wrong, of course.