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Old 17-07-2003, 07:00 PM
Steve Harris
Posts: n/a
Default Do Theories Have to be Testable to be Scientific?

"Daniel Prince" wrote in message
"Steve Harris"


Unless of course it contains time machines, FTL drives,
force-field "shields", antigravity, Wesley Crusher, or
workable libertarian utopias. Then it's okay to laugh

you like. g.

There is one type of force-field "shield" that is

possible. It is a
magnetic field that can shield a ship or station against

certain types
of radiation (charged particles only).

Sure enough. Not too practical for ships or stations for
particles that are coming with energies found in nature (ie,
from the sun), because fields strong enough to protect
things that small are very hard to generate. But it's
possible in theory, and of course it works fine for really,
really big fields (ie, the Earth's field). Not that humans
have any idea how to generate that size field either. Or
even really know for sure how the Earth does it.