On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 17:24:13 +0100, "Jim Webster"
"James Curts" wrote in message
Well, don't have a run away here. In reality it was Not good enough for
thousands of years. Milk is an ideal growing ground for bacteria which
without cooling or refrigeration is unfit to consume in a number of hours.
Most of the world did not have access to storageble quantities of milk
relatively recent times and the utilization of pasteurization made it
The Amish should only force their illiteracy on themselves. Their refusal
move along with the times is yet another form of control of one man over
others and has little of merit on which to proceed.
Pasteurization of milk was huge step forward and especially for our
drunk unpasturised milk all my life, and everyone in our family for as far
back as anyone wants to go,
Lived on a farm, Jim? Would you drink unpasteurised from just
anywhere? Pooled milk? Thought not
certainly no TB or similar in the family in the
20th cent and none that we know of in the century before that. With TB and
Brucella testing in milk on an almost daily basis these are not going to be
a problem any more.
But the Amish wouldn't do that either, for similar reasons, would
It is probable that urban people with their lower level of immunity to many
Where do you get this from?
might be wise to avoid it, but to the best of my knowledge the only
countries than ban the sale of unpasturised milk are Scotland and Canada,
althrough I might be wrong here.
I believe you might
Certainly in the midst of one of our food scares they were even talking
about banning unpasturised cheese, at which point it was pointed out that
they couldn't because the French make and sell vast quantities of
unpasturised cheese to us. We would have to prove it a health risk to ban
the import and no one can come up with enough evidence
I thought they had.