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Old 11-07-2003, 05:34 AM
Roger Salm
Posts: n/a
Default Bleach in a fountain?

Hi there
Jungle makes a product called algae gone or no more algae specifically for
fountains. could give that a try have had good results in the past.
Pet guy

"Rob" wrote in message
I have read that I can use bleach in an outdoor fountain (no plants or
fish) to remove algae. Does anyone know the amount of bleach? Also,
I have a dog and want it to be safe for him as well as wildlife.

Finally, would I just add the bleach and wait for the tons of algae to
go away or do I need to clean it out first. Cleaning first is a
little difficult because the fountain is a natural one we made with
lots of rocks (as opposed to the concrete store-bought type).
