Vine that will grow under a black walnut....
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003 22:21:57 -0400, "JNJ" wrote:
Honeysuckle doesn't mind. Nor forsythia, ivy, privet,
violets, grass, oak, maple, etc., etc. For evergreen cover, if you
can stand the maintenance of keeping it from spreading, Ivy *loves*
chain link fencing. It also climbs up black walnut trunks. Paghat says
that grape vine is inhibited, but whatever wild grape thing covered my
window in a week doesn't seem to mind. However, it's not evergreen --
just very opportunistic.
Here's the question though -- just how close to the black walnut are these
It's not "the" black walnut tree; it's a mini-forest with trees
between 3' and 60' tall pretty much all over the perimeter of the back
"yard." As I said, ivy grows up the trunks, honeysuckle twines all
over, etc., etc.