Vine that will grow under a black walnut....
Until recently, when I checked the info available, I refused to
believe in juglone -- the black walnut poison. I have a bunch of black
walnut trees, and would be *delighted* with a zone of inhibited growth
around them. Honeysuckle doesn't mind. Nor forsythia, ivy, privet,
violets, grass, oak, maple, etc., etc. For evergreen cover, if you
can stand the maintenance of keeping it from spreading, Ivy *loves*
chain link fencing. It also climbs up black walnut trunks. Paghat says
that grape vine is inhibited, but whatever wild grape thing covered my
window in a week doesn't seem to mind. However, it's not evergreen --
just very opportunistic.
Here's the question though -- just how close to the black walnut are these