Vine that will grow under a black walnut....
Someone really should compile a list of plants that are not at all injured
by juglone.
I have one around here somewhere but I don't feel like searching through
15000+ documents on my system just to find it. :P If I do, I"ll post the
For instance, honeysuckle, boston ivy, & clematis are not harmed by
juglone, but
they need water & sunlight, so are not often seen thriving in the dark dry
shade deep under walnut trees. But if there's a drip system run out to
them & sun reaches them at one or another part of the day, they'll do
I've considered honeysuckle and clematis. Bittersweet vine (Celastrus
scandens) has been recommended as well.
You could also consider getting a nicer fence. The only place where chain
link looks appropriate is around a construction site. The only conceivably
worse fence would be those six foot high plastic prefab white fences
embossed with knothole & woodgrain patterns that look like Rick Moranis
enlarged them from a toy farm set. Those only look appropriate around
rusty trailer houses where someone is tragically & pathetically trying to
make things look nice (or who needed the fence so they wouldn't have to
see their immediate neighbors' piles of bean cans & beer bottles
encroaching on the property lines).
Sigh I'd love to get something different, but I live in the city and
there are a number of restrictions on what we can put up not to mention how
we can erect it. We also have dogs, so whatever we put up has to be able to
keep them in the yard. We have a bit of a property line dispute with one of
the neighbors as well -- that line will soon be divided by lonicera maackii
and eleaegnus.