"anne" wrote in message ...
| I'm almost kinda wondering if this is a wind-up. Banana, my allotment is
| throttled by the stuff, I could recognise it 25 miles away and your pictures
| definitely show bindweed in all its glory. However, it does have have very
| nice flowers and if contained in a "pot" then it might be quite pleasant to
| have around. To answer a few more of your questions: Yes it is a weed, it
| grows between May and October, flowers from about June onwards and completly
| dies back in November. It will root anywhere so you will have no problem
| setting it off in a pot. It does need something to climb up though,
| otherwise it will trail all over the ground and just look a mess - perhaps a
| trellis would be a good idea.
| Anne.
Hi Anne,
Thank you for the reply.
I assure you that this is not a wind up. I am merely trying to find an ideal type of plant
that will creep over the rather bland-looking brick work in this pictu
I would like *a* plant (not necessarily a flowering kind) to creep all over the back wall,
over the door frames and then to trail off towards the light. I would then start to cut it
back slightly.
In the past, I have tried Ivy on the Iron work but this cast a rather depressing shadow
over our landing which is otherwise lit up from the window light (at the back of that
camera shot).
I think I will rule out Bindweed due to your advice. You mention that it dies off
completely in the winter; this would look terrible. My intention is to make the back wall
look more attractive. I wouldn't want to look at something that looks dead, over winter!
Yes, a trellis sounds a good idea but I have to get the plant issue sorted first. Do you
have any further ideas of a plant that would look good all year round? Maybe some kind of
plant with aerial roots?
There is no heating on the landing but in the 9 years I have been here, there has never
been a frost over Winter due to trapped heat from peoples front doors being opened
That wall is North facing remember, it will never get any direct sunlight (although the
landing its self is quite bright).
If you have any further plant ideas I would be most grateful.