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Old 05-07-2003, 08:08 PM
James Curts
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

"jitney" wrote in message
As good as the American policy is, it does not go far enough. We ought
to announce in advance that if any American citizen is bound over for
trial to the ICC, that the American military will invade Holland,
rescue the prisoner, and burn the ICC buildings to the ground with the
kangaroo judges in them. If the prisoner has been harmed or spirited
away, Holland should have all its dikes destroyed, locks and dams
blown to bits, and left to drown in its perverted, drug-hazed,
hellbound misery. The same for those presumptuous *******s in Belgium
and their arrogant claim of jurisdiction over the whole world.-Jitney

Well, perhaps moderated a bit but, yes, and include some other cull nations
as well

James Curts