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Old 01-07-2003, 06:20 PM
More to Wiggle
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Default Woodlice and now also earwigs

"Janice" wrote in message
You can buy a powder (chemical) that will deter them from coming into your
house. I use it sparingly across the doorway where they seem to

in my kitchen.

I'll second that. They are the bane of my life and the way I stop them
getting in the house is to scatter a well known brand of ant powder along
the external doorsteps and under the carpet inside the doors. This seems to
keep them at bay. As for them not doing any damage, I have to strongly

The little &*%$*s are lethal around soft fruit. Pick up what looks like a
ripe strawberry and you get a handful of them eating through the back of it.
My mange tout were eaten wherever they leant against the fence and they will
basically eat any such foodstuffs if they are in contact with a surface.
They also get all over my rabbit hutch and I'm not sure that they don't have
something to do with the gradual deterioration of the wood there. As for
bulbs, based on the fact that they left my onions and shallots alone, I
suspect they don't go for bulbs either.

Does anyone know if earwigs do any damage?
