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Old 29-06-2003, 04:56 PM
Nick Maclaren
Posts: n/a
Default Bees making home in my flower pots

In article , X wrote:

I have recently noticed little pencil sized holes together with tiny
mounds of soil around the base of some of my green house plants.

Fearing some nasty animal was eating the roots of my plants I was
about to give them a good bashing with a stick when I noticed a small
Bee emerging from one of the holes.

So I have now left them alone, will they damage my plants or can they
be left to enjoy their new homes in piece.

It depends on the plants. Anything in a reasonably sized pot that
isn't terribly sensitive to root disturbance will probably be fine.
They are almost certainly one of the solitary bees, and will make
only a small nest.

I have a very vigorous ants nest directly under the basil in my
polytunnel, and it seems to cause no harm.

Nick Maclaren.