Thread: Weird Soil
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Old 27-06-2003, 07:42 PM
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Default Weird Soil

Well you must have an underground stream under yours then because if you dug
for miles anywhere near my neighbours leylandi hedge you would find not a
worm or moisture in sight

and despite tons of compost i have not been able to change the difficult
growing conditions my side

"ned" wrote in message
bnd777 wrote:
Its not weird soil its the effect of Leylandi

They excude a resin which blocks water going into the soil
They destroy the soil structure
The worms all do a runner
Its precisely why so many victims on the other side of neighbours
Leylandi hedges are begging this government for action
Leylandi in this situation should be banned

My leylandi must have had a very sheltered upbringing. They don't
appear to have learned how to do this.
My lawn grows right up to (and underneath) the 20 year old hedge and
shows no sign of moisture starvation.
Nettles, goose grass, ground ivy, wild garlic, Honesty all treat the
shelter of the hedge as heaven on earth.
Moles have permanent runs around and under the hedge - the soil they
push up is damp and the only reason the moles are there is because of
the worms.
The above may be ammunition for not having leylandi but it sure as
heck disproves the 'resin exudition' theory. ;-)
