Thread: Gophers! Aargh!
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Old 27-06-2003, 07:40 AM
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Default Gophers! Aargh!

B.Server wrote in message
On Wed, 25 Jun 2003 05:34:10 GMT, "amjordan" wrote:

Can't recall ever seeing a gopher in or around Austin (Texas). So
give us a hint, where is the new place? My working guess is that
either you are posting to a newsgroup full of people who do not have
your problem and are not an ideal source of information or they are
not gopher holes. Either way, more data would help.

Aaaah ... no gophers in Austin? Really? Hm, interesting. Well, I grew up in
Weatherford, Texas, where we had gophers out the wazoo. (Maybe it was the
clay soil there? I once stood in our back yard and watched an entire
sunflower plant being slowly pulled underground!) I started hanging around
this newsgroup when I was living in Arlington, TX -- granted, it wasn't
Austin, but I couldn't find a good local gardening group and Arlington
shared many issues with Austin.

Now I'm in northern California, and once again living on clay soil that is
inundated with gophers! I posted to this group because I have often found
solutions to my problems from the good and knowledgeable people here ...
sorry if I offended anyone! At any rate, if anyone is interested, I found
the solution to my problem (I think) online yesterday at (Using Barn Owls for
Rodent Control). Amazingly enough, barn owls are apparently very willing to
move in to just about any habitat you create for them that is remotely
appropriate, and they are also very willing to take care of your rodent
problems! And here in Sonoma County, there are quite a few barn owls
already. So I intend to put up some nesting boxes and encourage the
feathered ones to come be our new tenants! LOL! Hopefully that will take
care of the problem.
