Thread: Weird Soil
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Old 26-06-2003, 07:09 PM
Gea Jones
Posts: n/a
Default Weird Soil

Try to dig deeper, see what is there,
that happened to me , many years ago, I found the people before had
re-roofed the house and buried it in the garden, after much digging I found
slates, and more slates, took me 3 years to clear
never again!

"Janice" wrote in message
Thanks for the reply. I've never heard of soil wetting agents before. I
added manure last year, but perhaps not enough.


"Thes" wrote in message
Janice wrote:
I have this really weird soil that just won't take up any water. I

the soil for ages and ages, but if I immediately dig into the soil no

has soaked down, not even a quarter of an inch. It's just bone dry

underneath. Where the water is going is a complete mystery (maybe

really is a third dimension).

The border has dreaded leylandii in it, which I know soak up water,

water isn't penetrating even a half inch. It's almost like the soil

waterproof layer on it.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Many thanks.

You can get soil wetting agents for exactly this problem at garden
centres/B&Q etc. You could also try a little detergent in the water,
perhaps. Maybe add some organic matter etc, too.
