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Old 25-06-2003, 09:30 PM
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Default where to cut the pea?

"Kay Easton" wrote in message
In article , shannie
This may sound like a very simple question and it is but I honestly don't
know the answer. When pulling peas/mangetout/sugar snaps from the plant

we leave the 'flower head' (looks like a night cap) on the plant or take


Whichever is easiest. After the first few dozen , you stop caring ;-)

One body of opinion here is, it's a bit like leaving daffs to die away
naturally, another is they sap the energy from the rest of the plants. so
break off before the 'cap' or leave it on the plant.

No, it's not at all the same - the flower head is already dead, the
energy has gone into making the pea, so it doesn't make any difference
what you do.
Kay Easton

Edward's earthworm page:

Thanks Kay and Tim for that.
