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Old 25-06-2003, 09:30 PM
Janet Baraclough
Posts: n/a
Default avoiding weed killer "friendly fire" incidents

The message
from (ken cohen) contains these words:

I am going to be using glyphosate on my new allotment shortly but I'm
very concerned that the stuff might easily get blown onto my
neighbour's plot, which is very well cultivated with various
flourishing plants. The instructions say wait for a windless day, but
you can never be sure about that. Just thinking out loud about this,
might it not be an idea to spray it onto black plastic sheeting first,
and then lay the plastic on the ground, secured with bricks or

No, because A)you won't get sufficient leaf coverage for enough stuff
to enter the plants and B) permanent darkness is likely to prevent the
translocation of the weedkiller from the leaves to the roots.

Before you spray anything, you should check your allotment agreement to
see if there are rules about it.

If spraying and weedkiller are permitted, then you will just have to
wait for windless conditions..try very early morning. But why not just
use the black plastic sheeting ,held down, as a weedkiller? It will work
just as well if not better.
