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Old 25-06-2003, 02:32 PM
Bill Darnell
Posts: n/a
Default Caterpillars eating hardy hibiscus

Lucky I saw this post. I got them too! I just hope they have not killed my
hibiscus. I tried BT first, and thought mine was too old, because it didn't
work. I found some 5% Malathion and doused them with it yesterday, and it
seemed to be working. I will know more in a little bit. They are a tough
little worm!
Bill in TN

"Pat Kiewicz" wrote in message
Tony said:

This is the first year I've tried growing hardy hibiscus from seed. I've
got some plants in the ground and some in pots. Unfortunately the
caterpillars are devastating them. I'll go out and find entire plants

their leaves "skeletonized." I'm not sure exactly what kind of

is doing this. It resembles a hornworm in color/shape, but I haven't

any really large ones to know for sure. (The largest I've seen on plants

about .75" long and about 1mm in diameter.

Can anyone offer any recommendations? So far the bugs only seem to be

for the hardy hibiscus (and possibly a nearby mexican petunia, but I'm

for sure on it).

These plants have been sprayed at least 6 times with BT since late May.

think I need to move on to something else.

Sawflies. Unlike lepidoptera caterpillars, Bt won't do them in. If the

is beyond hand-picking, try an ultra-refined horticultural oil (safe for

use in
summer) or a pyrethrum-based insecticide.

Has links to pictures:

Pat in Plymouth MI

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(attributed to Don Marti)