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Old 24-06-2003, 08:20 PM
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Default avoiding weed killer "friendly fire" incidents

"ken cohen" wrote in message om...
I am going to be using glyphosate on my new allotment shortly but I'm
very concerned that the stuff might easily get blown onto my
neighbour's plot, which is very well cultivated with various
flourishing plants. The instructions say wait for a windless day, but
you can never be sure about that. Just thinking out loud about this,
might it not be an idea to spray it onto black plastic sheeting first,
and then lay the plastic on the ground, secured with bricks or

If you can get use of a professional knapsack, with a proper herbicide jet you will be able to spray quite accurately.
These jets apply a fan shaped pattern which stays as a 'sheet' of water 'til it gets close to the ground. 2 other things
that might help, try to work against the light then you will see a little 'rainbow' pattern outside the main spray
pattern if there's any drift.
If there is *any breeze at all* work in such a way that the drift is carried into your plot.
