Another garden bandit bagged!
Hi guys
When I caught my last racoon last summer, and took a drive out to the state
park to let him go, he actually turned and sort of waved at me! My fiance just
said "see you later dude" and he sort of ambled off, in no particular hurry.
I used just a can of tuna (I ate most of it prior to setting the Havahart
trap--don't want to hurt them, they just want food too).
anyways, within a day, there was my 'coon!
they are so cute, I wish they didn't see it fit to waste my garden and eat the
dogfood and **** off the dogs all the time (and the trash collector--he told me
just to use my .22! they have been screwing around with him for like 30 years,
with stuff just launched across the road and things).
anyways, the havaheart trap works like a dream, and a little tuna as bait and
you're golden!