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Old 21-06-2003, 11:44 PM
Torsten Brinch
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Default RR Wheat - but who wants it? (was GM German Wheat Trials...)

GM wheat in Canada not an option, says Canadian Wheat Board


WINNIPEG - Adrian Measner, president and chief executive of the
Canadian Wheat Board, was cited as telling Reuters yesterday that the
group may consider legal action to stop Monsanto Co. from growing
genetically modified wheat in Canada outside limited government-run
trials, adding, "We've given strong assurances to our customers that
we will make sure this situation is resolved in Canada and we intend
to take whatever action necessary to do that."

The story says it is the strongest statement the board has made to
date on how far it will go to prevent GM wheat from being grown in the
near future in Canada -- and one Mr. Measner plans to repeat to world
wheat traders at an International Grains Council meeting in London
next week.

Mr. Measner was further quoted as saying, "Having it grown in Canada,
it's not an option. The costs are just too horrendous and it needs to
be addressed."

The CWB asked Monsanto to agree by tomorrow to withdraw its
application. It has not yet formally responded, he said.

Monsanto has promised it will not commercialize the wheat until at
least some customers accept it and until it can be dealt with
separately within the bulk grain handling system.