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Old 19-06-2003, 10:32 AM
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Default Runner Beans, lots of flowers but no beans

On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 17:38:14 +0100, "Sue & Bob Hobden"

Paul wrote in message

My runner beans are producing lots of flowers which are attracting my
friends the Bees. However no beans, just little a stump where the
flower used to be.

Any suggestions ?


That birds are pecking off the flowers, some people with that problem grow
the white flowered varieties which the birds don't seem to like as much as
the red flowers.
It's too dry, you aren't watering the plants enough and as they like it
humid you should also spray the plants copiously with water each evening,
that helps fruit set too.

Thanks all for the suggestions.

I have been watering the beans, but perhaps not enough, now its
raining that might help.

As to the birds, I have noticed the bean stalks are being snapped off
where they grow above the beansticks, keeping a watch after your
suggestion that birds are pecking the flowers I have noticed that a
pair of Magpies are perching on my beansticks. So out come the old CDs
and plastic bags.

Thanks all
