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Old 18-06-2003, 09:20 PM
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Default Mosquito Magnet Warranty Issue - Beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

That's a crock! I'd be screaming to their corporate office for
answers/solutions...with the threat that you will go to the Better Business
Bureau and bad mouth their product to every Tom, Dick and Harry that you
come across.

What they are tell you would be like buying a car (under warranty of course)
and have the paint flake off and them telling you had to go to the paint
manfacturer to get it fixed (not the best analogy I'm sure, but you get the
point). Pretty crappy customer satisfation!

Did they give you the name and address of the company that makes the power
cord/X-fomer? If so, I'd give them a call...

Good luck,

"Mike Cagle" wrote in message
I purchased a Liberty model from Home Depot in April and have had
mixed success. Placement does seem to be critical. However, my
primary dissatisfaction is that the power connector plugging into the
unit has an intermittent open circuit such that if I or the kids or
squirrels in the yard even lightly touch the cord going into the the
unit it shuts off. I have to jiggle the wiring in the connector to
get the unit restarted. This can be immensely frustrating. It's a
major PIA just to make sure every morning and evening that the unit is
running since it can't hardly work otherwise.

After submitting an email to American Biophysics customer service I
got a phonecall. The company is willing to send a complete
replacement Liberty unit, but the warranty does not cover the AC power
cord, transformer, and DC power cord since these are not made by AB.
They will send a replacement AC power cord/transformer/DC power cord
for $39. If I request a complete replacement unit and exchange only
the power cord and return the new unit they will charge me $39. This
****es me off. Of course, the outsourced customer service agency
isn't allowed any other options for resolution.

Since I have basic electrical skills I'll skip the $39 and invest a
half-hour or so to fix it myself. This is not what I expect from such
an expensive product with a supposedly universal warranty claim.

I hope no one else experiences this same problem, but potential buyers
beware. Heaven only knows what other loop holes they have built into
their warranty coverage.

Mike Cagle